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Chinese Astrology & Compatibility with Jennifer Ng

This is a two part event presented by Jennifer Ng. Intro to Chinese Astrology 10-1pm, Synastry in Chinese Astrology 2-5pm.

Does your Chinese natal chart enhance or reinforce your Western natal chart or another astrological system? In this full-day 2 part workshop, come prepared to discover insights to your 4 Pillars (Ba'Zi). Learn about your Chinese natal chart through the 4 Pillars system also known as Ba'Zi which means 8 characters, and how the upcoming Water Tiger for 2022-2023 has in store. Just as the public is most often aware of their Sun sign in Western astrology, the public is aware of their birth year's animal sign but there's more. You are represented not only by an animal for your birth year, but also for your birth month, day and time.

In the second half, examine some synastry examples using 4 Pillars (Ba'Zi), including in your own life, and compare your personal examples to their Western synastry charts.

Jennifer practices Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui, and studied Ming Shu with Master David Lee Toronto/HK, and Shelley Wu. Jennifer is a professional certified Western astrologer with ISAR affiliated & non-profit International Academy of Astrology (Dip. IAA, equivalence to NCGR-III), holds Deb Houlding's STA Horary Practioner certificate. Jennifer has studied with Ena Stanley, Chris Turner, Lee Lehman, Marilyn Mazotta, Maria Mateus (LOGOS), Lavetta Piemme, and Julene Packer-Louis , and has attended ATI intensives with Pamela Walsh, Anne Ortelee and Demetra George. Jennifer is a faculty instructor at IAA and a current member of AFA, AFAN, ATI, ISAR, NCGR, OPA.

For more about Jennifer, visit her website: Astrology with Jen

Purchase Membership $50-65 CAD

Purchase Single Event Attendance $25 CAD

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