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Sam Reynolds presents Emplacing Old & New Astrology into Contemporary Practice

Friday, June 10 2022, 7-9pm EST

21st Century Challenges of Relevancy and Relatability in Astrology

In this lecture, Reynolds will discuss some of the key problems that astrology faces, both generally and other challenges unique to astrology. For instance, as one millennial put it to their astrologer recently, "Why do I need you when I have astro apps on my phone?" Reynolds will discuss what such a paradigm shift might mean and how on some levels it's warranted. Has astrology demonstrated an active ability to be more open to a growing diverse population? Are we any clearer on some of the internal contradictions that befuddle us, like how astrology works or what planets "rule" what and why? Similarly, is it enough that astrology has rediscovered more of its distant past, with the uptick of interest in medieval and hellenistic astrology, and how do we mesh that with the plethora of modern astrologies that have developed in the last 150 years? These and other questions, Reynolds will seek to address. 

Saturday, June 11 2022, 10-5pm EST

Classical and Modern Approaches to Synastry in Practice

Learn solid modern and traditional methods and approaches, like medieval notions of temperament, Davison and composite charts, and ninth harmonic charts, to evaluate, discuss and develop various forms of compatibility between people, especially romantic couples.

Sunday, June 12 2022, 10-5pm EST

Using Astrology to Thrive Through Life

Reynolds will hold a daylong workshop to survey the major cycles of the planets through eight decades. He’ll start from 1 years old for the first solar return to 84 years old when Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus return near to their places at birth. As a class, we will discuss:

  • How to cope with the possible and distinct issues that crop up at each of the 7 Jupiter Returns in an average lifespan.

  • The important character and life issues to work out at key lunar node cycles at 19, 37, and 46 years old, for example. 

  • How your 1st Saturn return around 30 can help you with your 2nd Saturn Return at 59 and beyond

  • What makes up a mid-life crisis from an astrological point of view? (Hint: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are involved)

  • How to use critical planetary cycles for your senior years

Although our individual charts provide us with unique challenges and chances at greatness, there are incisive and important insights from general planetary cycles as we arrive at them. Many of these cycles aren't frequently what we expect according to Reynolds' research and experience. However, this workshop will expand your awareness of these cycles rather than our wariness. 

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May 14

Triplicity Lords and How to Use Them with Mo

June 25